Case studies



Car configurator and online sales strategy

UX lead, Agile, HCD, Design sprints, Automotive

Smartphone USP concepts

UX lead, HCD, Ethnography, Co-creation, Consumer products

Birds of North America

App, UX, Co-creation, Publication


Transportation & mobility.


“I have worked on a lot of transportation & mobility related projects. I have collected them here as case studies”


Transportation & mobility


Digital product and service design.

Ø - My own start-up pitch

Concept, UX/UI brand design, business plan, Transportation

Cruise companion app

UX lead, HCD, Travel & transportation

Website & digital strategy

Lead UX, Website design, Design system, Automotive

Artificial Intelligence CEO

UX, Infoviz, Weird

Digital ecosystem

Design system, UX lead, Telecom

Dental radiology viewer

UX/UI, Cross-platform app, Medical software

Sprout computer UX/UI

UX/UI, Consumer products


Physical product design.

SENSE - industrial design for a router

Industrial design, Physical interaction design, HCD, Consumer products

Traffic safety centre north

Design lead, Design research, Physical Interaction design, Transportation

Encrypted satellite phone

Industrial design, physical interaction design, Special product


Smaller case studies.

Tiny but cool

“Sometimes work just needs to get done with expertise and knowledge accumulated over the experience. These project are testament to ‘gut-feeling’”